Alexis Clairaut (1713-1765)

Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765)

(19) 8 juin 1741 : Murdoch (Stradishall) écrit à MacLaurin :
I have seen Mons[ieu]r Clairaut first paper [C. 17] but cannot say it gives me satisfaction : for does he not in his calculous neglect as much as the whole difference in question might amount to ? As I look your judgment, in whatever regards mathematical learning as supreme and decisive, your thoughts on these matters either directly or thro' our friends Mitchel [Sir Andrew Mitchell NDE] hands will be a favour most gratefully acknowledged (MacLaurin 82, pp. 358-359).
  • C. 17 : Clairaut (Alexis-Claude), « Investigationes aliquot, ex quibus probatur terrae figuram secundum Leges attractionis in ratione inversâ quadrati distantiarum maxime ad Ellipsin accedere debere », Philosophical Transactions, Vol. XL (1737-1738), London, 1741, n° 445 (Jan-June 1738), pp. 19-25 [Télécharger] [(3 mars 1737) 20 février 1736] [(2 mars 1737) 19 février 1736] [Plus].
  • NDE : Note de l'éditeur.
Courcelle (Olivier), « (19) 8 juin 1741 : Murdoch (Stradishall) écrit à MacLaurin », Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765) [En ligne], [Notice publiée le 4 novembre 2009].