Alexis Clairaut (1713-1765)

Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765)

(31 août 1749) 20 août 1749 : Martin Folkes écrit à John Machin :
I endorse to you Mr Clairaut's letter containing as I take it his retractation [C. 40] of what he had before said of the motion of the Moon's apogee [C. 33], which when you have perused, or if you please copied, what relates to […] I beg you will return me as it belongs to the garde book, and is he voucher for the minutes of the 1st of June last. I have write to Mr Robins to pray he would send you Mr Clairaut's printed paper which is to be inserted in the next volume of memoires. I had sent you this paper before but could not meet with Dr Mortimer before in whose hands it was. I am Dear S[i]r with true respect and esteem your most obedient humble servant M. Folkes.

Aug[ust] 20 1749 (British Library, Add. 6209, f. 286 (ex. f. 215)).
Machin déposera lui-même un pli cacheté (cf. (11 février 1751) 31 janvier 1750).
Courcelle (Olivier), « (31 août 1749) 20 août 1749 : Martin Folkes écrit à John Machin », Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765) [En ligne], [Notice publiée le 14 août 2010].