Alexis Clairaut (1713-1765)

Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765)

(4 novembre) 24 octobre 1751 : À la Royal Society :
The extract of a letter from Professor Euler of Berlin to the Rev[eren]d Gaspar Wetstein chaplain to her Royal Highness the Princess [Dowager] of Wales [cf. 27 avril 1751 (1)] was read.
This theory [of Newton] Mr Euler, as well as M[onsieu]r Clairaut [C. 33] believed not to agree with the motion of the apogee of the Moon, but M[onsieu]r Clairaut having since publicly retracted his opinion [C. 35] Mr Euler has renewed his inquiries upon this subject, and after more tedious calculations discovered that M[onsieu]r Clairaut was in the right [C. 39]; and that this theory is fully sufficient for that purpose.

Thanks were ordered to M[onsieu]r Wetsein for this communication.

Dr Mortimer on this occasion acquainted the Society that Mr Clairaut had obtained this prize [Saint-Pétersbourg] (RS, JBC 20, p. 548).
Cette lettre est publiée, sous une forme légèrement différente, dans les Philosophical Transactions (Euler 51-52).


  • Euler (Leonhard), « Extract of a letter from Professor Euler, of Berlin, to the Rev. Mr. Caspar Wetstein, Chaplain to Her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales », Philosophical Transactions, 47 (1751-1752) 263-264 [Télécharger].
Courcelle (Olivier), « (4 novembre) 24 octobre 1751 : À la Royal Society », Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765) [En ligne], [Notice publiée le 11 novembre 2010].